15 ways to make Your lady Never Stop Loving you

So you want to make your lady love you forever I bet it is possible only if you can use the 15 method as explain below, You can start seeing quick result as soon as you start applying this method.
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 15 ways to make Your lady Never Stop Loving you.

1) Be All Ears
Women like to work out their problems. Offer a bended ear and fight the urge to provide a solution or rush her to the point. She just wants you to listen while she vents, explains or just muses.   Ask about her day, really listen, then ask her a question about what she's just told you, to prove you were paying attention.

2) Focus All Eyes on Her
Focus on her with attention and interest. Extracurricular gazing makes you look bored and rude.

3) Surprise!
Everyone like surprises, ladies love it most. Catch her unaware with that thing she has been eyeing, a message on her work or a note in her bag to keep her guessing and excited. Just keep surprising and see how powerful it works

4) Be a family man
Hiding your lady from your friends and family will only make her assume you really don't plan to spend forever with her, you are giving her a sense of fear that this relationship doesn't worth a penny. Introduce her to your brother, sister, nephew, grandma - it shows you care about family, without subjecting her to the terror of a temporary relationship. When you take her to your family, she feels among and She sees how you treat them as an indicator of how she'll be treated also.

5) Prove the ex is old news
If you bump into a previous partner, squeeze your ladies hand, pull her towards you and smile. The outward display of affection tells her it's truly over with your ex; the hand squeeze shows you have a secret bond no-one else can share.

The nine best things you can say to a woman

6. "I love your eyelashes."
7. "Sex with you just gets better and better." 
8. "You look beautiful when you're sleeping."
9. "The way you dance is really sexy."
10. "You have a wonderful laugh."
11. "You're so clever."
12. "Your scrambled eggs taste even better than my mum's."
13. "Your skin smells fantastic."
(And finally . . .)
14. "Lets spend the weekend at my villa ."

15) Play the Music Man
Learn how to play the guitar or hone your singing voice. Ladies melt over the simultaneous vulnerability and bad boy coolness of confident rock stars. No musical talent? Demonstrate passion in a hobby that you love.