Say This World And You Will Be The Richest Being on Earth

Wealth and Riches will come with the right mindset, so many people find it difficult to write out their purpose in life and truth, if you don't know your purpose in life then making it will be pretty difficult. And difficult decision must be made in order to tackle difficult moment, i made a decision to claim some words before stepping out each day and since i have been doing it, I am witnessing a positove changes in my lifestyle and most importantly my mindset.

Now I charge you to say this word every morning, don't just say it! But say it like you really mean it.
Here we go..

This is a Pure declaration of your worth, Your self esteem, what controls you...

I am me.
I am unique. There's not another human being in the whole world like me -- I have my very own fingerprints and I have my very own thoughts. I was not stamped out of a mold like a Coca-Cola top to be the duplicate of another.
I own all of me -- my body, and I can do with it what I choose; my mind, and all of its thoughts and ideas; my feelings, whether joyful or painful.
I own my ideals, my dreams, my hopes, my fantasies, my fears.
I reserve the right to think and feel differently from others and will grant to others their right to thoughts and feelings not identical with my own.
I own all my triumphs and successes. I own also all my failures and mistakes. I am the cause of what I do and am responsible for my own behavior. I will permit myself to be imperfect. When I make mistakes or fail, I will know that I am not the failure -- I am still O.K. -- and I will discard some parts of me that were unfitting and will try new ways.
I will laugh freely and loudly at myself -- a healthy self-affirmation.
I will have fun living inside my skin.
I will remember that the door to everybody's life needs this sigh:
Honor Thyself
I have value and worth.
I am me, and I am O.K.